Principal Investigator
解万泽课题组主要运用行为研究、神经科学技术和机器学习模型相结合的方法,来探究儿童的注意力和社会性认知的神经机制在早期的正常和异常发展。近期开始的研究也涉及到这些重要认知技能的神经机制在孤独症儿童中的体现。 主要研究方向包括:
1. Xie, W.*, Leppänen, J. M., Kane-Grade, F. E., & Nelson, C. A.* (2021). Converging neural and behavioral evidence for a rapid, generalized response to threat-related facial expressions in 3-year-old children. NeuroImage, 117732.
2. Xie, W.*, Jensen, S.K.G., Wade, M., Kumar, S. Westerlund, A., Kakon, S.H., Haque, R., Petri, W.A., & Nelson, C.A.* (2019). Growth faltering is associated with altered brain functional connectivity and cognitive outcomes in urban Bangladeshi children exposed to early adversity. BMC Medicine. DOI:
3. Xie, W.*, Kumar, Kakon, S.H., Haque, R., Petri, W.A., & Nelson, C.A.* (2019). Chronic inflammation is associated with neural responses to faces in Bangladeshi children. NeuroImage. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.116110.
4. Xie, W.*, McCormick. S.A., Westerlund, A., Bowman, L.C., & Nelson, C. A. (2019). Neural correlates of facial emotion processing in infancy. Developmental Science, e12758, DOI: 10.1111/desc.12758.
5. Xie, W.*, Mallin, B., & Richards, J. E. (2019). Development of brain functional connectivity and its relation to infant sustained attention in the first year of life. Developmental Science, e12702. DOI: 10.1111/desc.12703.
6. Xie, W.*, Mallin, & Richards, J. E. (2018). Development of infant sustained attention and its relation to EEG oscillations: An EEG and cortical source analysis study. Developmental Science, e12562. DOI: 10.1111/desc.12562.
Complete list of published work can be found via
PKU-IDG/McGovern Institute For Brain Research 2013
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