主题:The amygdala circuits in motivated behaviors
报告人:Dr. Bo Li, Professor, Cold Spring Harbor Lab
The amygdala is essential for learning and expression of behavioral responses driven by either appetitive or aversive stimuli. How exactly distinct amygdala circuits contribute to the generation of such divergent behavioral responses remains unclear. Our recent studies in mice indicate that reward and punishment based learning induces distinct plastic changes in distributed circuits of the amygdala, and reveal how these learning-induced changes can be used to guide flexible behaviors. Here I will report our recent findings regarding the cellular and circuit mechanisms underlying some of the behavioral roles of the amygdala.
Brief biography: Dr.Bo Li was trained in molecular neuroscience and synaptic physiology, and have extensive experience in systems neuroscience. The focus of research in his laboratory has been to understand the link between neural circuits and behaviors. They are particularly interested in studying the synaptic and circuit mechanisms underlying aspects of motivated behaviors, such as attention, motivation, and learning and memory; as well as synaptic and circuit dysfunctions that may underlie the pathophysiology of mental disorders, including anxiety disorders, depression and autism. They integrate in vitro and in vivo electrophysiology, imaging, molecular, genetic, optogenetic and chemogenetic methodologies to probe and manipulate the function of specific neural circuits in the rodent brain, and to determine their roles in adaptive or maladaptive responses in various behavioral paradigms. His lab is currently undertaking three major lines of research to investigate: 1) the roles of amygdala circuits in behaviors driven by reward and punishment, and behaviors related to anxiety disorders; 2) the roles of basal ganglia circuits in goal-directed and habitual behaviors, and behaviors related to depression and autism; and 3) the interactions between the amygdala and the basal ganglia circuits in behaviors driven by reward and punishment, and in behavioral changes related to autism.
Representative publications:
1. Haohong Li, Mario A. Penzo, Hiroki Taniguchi, Charles D. Kopec, Z. Josh Huang, Bo Li (2013) Experience-dependent modification of a central amygdala fear circuit. Nature Neuroscience 16:332-339.
2. Mario A. Penzo, Vincent Robert, Jason Tucciarone, Dimitri De Bundel, Minghui Wang, Linda Van Aelst, Martin Darvas, Luis F. Parada, Richard Palmiter, Miao He, Z. Josh Huang, Bo Li (2015) The paraventricular thalamus controls a central amygdala fear circuit. Nature, 519:455-459.
3. Marcus Stephenson-Jones, Kai Yu, Sandra Ahrens, Jason M. Tucciarone, Aile N. van Huijstee, Luis A. Mejia, Mario A. Penzo, Lung-Hao Tai, Linda Wilbrecht, Bo Li (2016) A basal ganglia circuit for evaluating action outcomes. Nature. 539:289-293.
4. Kai Yu, Sandra Ahrens, Xian Zhang, Hillary Schiff, Charu Ramakrishnan, Lief Fenno, Karl Deisseroth, Fei Zhao, Min-Hua Luo, Ling Gong, Miao He, Pengcheng Zhou, Liam Paninski, Bo Li (2017) Central amygdala controls learning in the lateral amygdala. Nature Neuroscience, 20:1680-1685.
邀请人:李毓龙 研究员