题目: Eye Movements Reveal Person Characteristics
报告人: Dr.Isabelle Mareschal(Queen Mary University of London)
时间: 2018年4月25日 星期三 13:00-14:00
地点: 北京大学王克桢楼1113会议室
Dynamic gaze interactions between people underlies non-verbal communication and can be indicative of atypical behaviour. Therefore recording people’s eye movements while they engage in eye contact is of great interest for both diagnostic and research purposes. Here, we recorded people’s eye movements in two different experiments: (1) while they made eye contact with an actor on a screen (akin to a Skype scenario) and (2) while they engaged in “forced” periods of eye contact with another person in real life. In both conditions we found that participants’ eye movements revealed important information about themselves.
邀请人: 方方教授