题目:Oxygen and Temperature Homeostasis: from Genes to Physiology and Disease


马登科博士2002年毕业于清华大学物理系,2009年在美国约翰霍普金斯大学获得博士学位,研究哺乳动物神经生物学。随后在麻省理工学院做博士后利用线虫进行代谢相关的研究,师从 Dr. H. Robert Horvitz 。现任加州大学旧金山分校医学院生理学系心血管研究所助理教授。马登科博士主要利用线虫研究维持内环境稳态的机制,关注机体针对氧气浓度以及温度变化所做出的反应,尤其对在缺氧条件下所引起的组织的保护机制感兴趣。在Cell,Science, Nature Neuroscience,Neuron,Cell Stem Cell,Cell Research等国际知名学术期刊发表多篇研究论文。

时间:2015年08月19日 星期三 13:30-15:00

地点: 北京大学金光生命科学大楼311室

Cells adjust lipid desaturation and membrane fluidity to maintain homeostasis in response to temperature shifts. This fundamental process occurs in nearly all forms of life, but its underlying mechanism in eukaryotes is largely unknown. From a C. elegans genetic screen exploring how genes control behavioral sensitivity to oxygen, we discovered a novel pathway comprising the genes egl-25 (adiponectin receptor) and acdh-11 (acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, ACDH) that facilitates temperature adaptation via a stearoyl-CoA desaturase, FAT-7. In the talk, I will describe our journey to the discovery and explain why this molecular pathway might be evolutionarily conserved and fundamentally important for understanding physiological homeostasis and related diseases. I will also briefly discuss our recent efforts in developing new model     systems (ground squirrels and mangrove killifish, the “vertebrate C. elegans”) to study mechanisms of extreme physiology and unique behaviors.