题目:Inter- and intra- individual variability in subjective experience and cortical function

报告人:Dr. Dietrich Samuel Schwarzkopf

Dr. Dietrich Samuel Schwarzkopf is from UCL Experimental Psychology & Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience & BUCNI, University College London, United Kingdom. Through combining human neuroimaging (fMRI/MEG) with behavioral measures, his lab investigates how the functional and structural architecture of the nervous system gives rise to perception and behavior. Father, his lab focused on what role consciousness plays in constructing a coherent representation of the world around us.

时间:2015年09月04日 星期五 13:00-14:00

地点: 北京大学王克桢楼1115室

We commonly assume that our perception of the world is constant and seamless. This intuition belies the dramatic differences in the perceived quality of a stimulus even within the same individual when it is shown at different spatial locations or different times. Conventional studies treat such unique patterns of perceptual variability as noise and seek to eliminate them by averaging across individuals or conditions; however, studying differences in perception may provide insights into what makes our subjective view of the world unique. Our research uses psychophysical and neuroimaging experiments to study how an individual's visual cortex relates to their subjective experience. I will present findings linking subjective perceptual biases to inter- and intra- individual differences in the functional architecture and tuning profiles (population receptive fields) of visual cortex. Further experiments investigated the reliability of population receptive field measurements and revealed evidence of atypical visual processing in autism spectrum disorders and schizophrenia.