题目:Bayesian inference of multisensory timing

报告人:Dr. Zhuanghua Shi

Zhuanghua Shi is a researcher in the Department Psychology at LMU Munich in Germany, who got a Ph.D. in Psychology in the Institute of Psychology and Behaviour Science at Zhejiang University and B.A. in Statistics in the Mathematics and Information Science Department at Hangzhou University.

时间:2015年09月25日 星期五 12:30-13:30

地点: 北京大学王克桢楼1113室

The sense of time is foundational for perception and action, yet it frequently departs significantly from physical time. In the talk I will examine a few selected duration-related temporal phenomena and related computational models, and show how those phenomena can be parsimoniously explained within the Bayesian inference framework, in which subjective time is an outcome of adaptive processes of the brain that minimize the overall estimation error to boost the reliability of estimation of external temporal structures.