题目:Enhancing perceptual learning
报告人:Beverly Wright, Ph.D.
时间:2017年04月11日 星期二 13:00-15:00
地点: 王克桢楼1113会议室
<span font-size:14px;"="">Performance on many perceptual tasks improves with practice, indicating that sensory systems are not rigid but rather can be changed through experience. In fact, perceptual training is an increasingly popular treatment option for a variety of communication disorders. However, little is known about the basic requirements and kinetics of perceptual learning, so training regimens have not been optimized. Therefore, we have been investigating the factors that facilitate, and those that degrade, perceptual learning on auditory skills. We find that a sufficient amount of training within a restricted time period is required for improvement to occur. Additional training appears superfluous. Further, stimulus exposure alone can enhance learning when it follows a bout of practice. Finally, practice on more than one auditory task per day can either enhance or disrupt learning, depending on the relative timing of that training. This new mechanistic information about perceptual learning could lead to training strategies that enhance skill acquisition and facilitate perceptual rehabilitation.
Host PI: Dr. Cong Yu