题目:What is it about me? The power of self-relevance

报告人:C. Neil Macrae, Ph.D.(University of Aberdeen, Scotland)

时间:2017年04月25日 星期二 13:00-15:00

地点: 北京大学王克桢楼1113报告厅

Influencing core aspects of everyday life, the self is a pivotal psychological construct. It guides cognition and action, shapes interpersonal relations and provides stability and continuity to the flux of subjective experience. In addition, recent research has revealed that the effects of self-referential processing extend to perception — the so-called self-prioritization effect. Critically, however, the extent and origin of this effect remain largely unknown. Accordingly, using diverse methodologies, I will present a series of experiments that attempt to elucidate when and how self-relevance impacts social-cognitive functioning. Particular emphasis will fall on identifying the processes that underpin self-prioritization across a range of tasks and measures.  

Host PI:韩世辉