题目:Rhythmic auditory effects on visual memory
报告人:Aniruddh D. Patel, Professor Department of Psychology, Tufts University, USA
时间:2017年06月09日 星期五 10:00-11:30
地点: 王克桢楼1113
Previous research has demonstrated that background auditory rhythms can enhance perceptual discrimination of visual stimuli when such stimuli are temporally aligned (vs. misaligned) with a rhythmic auditory beat (Escoffier et al., 2010, Unattended musical beats enhance visual processing. Acta Psychologica, 135(1), 12-16.). It has been argued that this rhythmic enhancement of perception reflects the temporal entrainment of attention, with peaks of attention at the times of musical beats. Indeed, is known that internal neural oscillations entrain to the beat of external auditory rhythms. The present study investigated whether auditory rhythms can influence cognitive (vs. perceptual) visual processing. Participants viewed a series of male and female faces in the context of rhythmic, naturalistic music or silence. In the music conditions the faces were presented either on or off of the musical beat. In a subsequent recognition memory test, participants viewed old and new faces and made confidence decisions about their memory for each face. Memory enhancement was observed for faces presented on the beat at encoding compared to faces presented off the beat. These results indicate that rhythmic auditory background information can influence the encoding and memory of visual information.
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