题目:Biochemical computation in single dendritic spines: implications in synaptic plasticity

报告人:Ryohei Yasuda, Ph.D, Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience

时间:2017年08月02日 星期三 13:00-14:30

地点: 王克桢1113


synaptic strength and structure learning and memory. A che reaction in dendritic spines is mediated via signaling networks First, based on 2-photon fluorescence lifetime imaging andspines undergoing structural and functional plasticity. This provided new insights into how the spatiotemporal dynamics of signaling are organized during synaptic plasticity. We have developed sensitive and specific sensors for CaMKI, CaMKII, Rho GTPase proteins, Rab GTPase proteins, protein kinase C isozymes (α, β, γ etc) and a BDNF receptor TrkB. By monitoring signaling component reveal the mechanisms underlying the spatiotemporal regulation of signaling dynamics underlying synaptic plasticity an