题目:The Continuity Field (CF): a mechanism for perceptual stability via serial dependence

报告人:Dr.David Whitney

时间:2016年11月15日 星期二 13:00-15:00

地点: 北京大学王克桢楼1115会议室

A critical function of vision is to stabilize perception, so objects look the same from moment to moment. This is a challenge because visual input is noisy and discontinuous. Though a classic question, the mechanism that links the perceived identity and properties of an object from moment to moment is unknown. We recently discovered the Continuity Field (CF), a mechanism of object constancy built on serial dependence; an object's present appearance is captured by what was perceived over the last several seconds. Serial dependence occurs in the perception of orientation, facial expression and identity, biological motion, object attractiveness, and perceived object position. This perceptual attraction extends over several seconds, and displays clear tuning to the difference (in orientation, facial expression, etc) between the sequential stimuli. It is spatially specific and selective to the attended object within a scene, even if that object passes behind an occluder. Perceptual serial dependence cannot be explained by effects of priming, known hysteresis effects, or visual short-term memory. Our results reveal a novel mechanism—the Continuity Field—a spatiotemporally tuned operator that helps maintain stable object and scene representations in the face of a dynamic and noisy environment. 

