题目:The Dynamic Regulation of Gene Expression

报告人:Turhan Canli ( Ph.D.; Dept. of Psychology, Dept. of Radiology ; Stony Brook University)

时间:2013年10月22日 星期二 13:00-14:30

地点: 邓佑才报告厅



Studies of gene-behavior associations tend to focus on the link between gene polymorphisms and phenotypes of interest. This approach does not consider the interplay and regulatory complexities of gene transcription and translation, nor does it address tissue-specific gene regulatory processes in the central nervous system. Here, I introduce an integrative approach that looks at gene expression as a function of trait anxiety in the human brain, and changes of gene expression as a function of social stress in the periphery (blood).  If gene expression can be subject to regulation by stressful experience, then perhaps other environmental factors, including cultural forces, may contribute to the regulation of gene expression in the human brain and periphery.