Title: Adventures in Neuroplasticity

Speaker: Dr. Wendy Suzuki

Time: October 12 2016 (Wed) 13:30-14:30

Venue: R1113, Wangkezhen Building, PKU

In this talk Dr. Wendy will describe the latest findings from two distinct research themes in her lab.
The first theme focuses on understanding how the structures of the primate medial temporal lobe participate in learning new associative information. Here, she will describe recent, unpublished findings exploring how the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex contribute to error driven learning.
The second theme focuses on defining the effects of aerobic exercise on learning, memory and cognition in people. Here She will describe their recent and ongoing findings examining the immediate and long-term effects of aerobic exercise on mood, attention and memory as well as their current strategies to understand the pathways and mechanisms that allow these effects to take place.

Host: Yuji Naya