Title: Crack the neural codes for spatial memories in dreams and neurological diseases

Speaker: Daoyun Ji, Ph.D.

Time: June 18 2013 (Tue) 14:30-15:30

Venue: Room 208, School of Life Sciences, Peking University

Host: Chen Zhang


The brain is remarkably efficient at recording our daily experience and events as episodic memories. The life-long accumulation of episodic memories makes us who we are and decides what we do. Although how the neurons in the brain encode and store episodic memories remains a mystery, great progress has been achieved in recent years. In this talk, I would like to introduce our works on understanding the memory codes for places and spatial trajectories, by simultaneously monitoring tens or hundreds of single neurons in freely moving rodents during spatial navigation tasks. After an overview of how spatial memories are encoded by neurons in the brain area hippocampus, I will explain why sleep is important for stabilizing new memory codes and transferring them from the hippocampus to neocortex for long-term storage. Then, the rest of the talk will focus on our recent work on a mouse model related to Alzheimer’s disease, which reveals a surprising competition between internal thoughts and external environments in establishing spatial memory codes.